// Key:
  • 1 daN = 1 KG
  • Fv - constant structural load (daN/m2)
  • fv - the arrow indicating springing
  • Fp - concentrated structural load (daN) put on the 200x200 surface
  • fp - the arrow indicating the Fp springing
  • Stress permissible for steel : 1600 daN/cm2
  • Safety factor indicating the limits of plasticity: 1,5
  • Safety factor indicating the breaking point: 2,35
  • The support of the grating = the height of the grating (not more than 30 mm)
  • Bracket given by the producer. Here the diffraction does not exceed 1/200 of the span of the bearings and is lower than 4 mm when at the same time the dynamic load equals 150daN on the 200x200 surface in any part of the grating.
  • In this bracket the grating can bear the dynamic load of 150daN on the 200x200 mm surface in any part of the grating with the maximum diffraction of 1/200 of the span of the bearings.
  • In this bracket the diffraction during constant load of 500daN/m2 equals 4 mm maximum

